ANPR/ALPR systems in use

Successful solutions and application areas for
CARRIDA Software and Cameras for number plate recognition
Successful solutions and application areas for
CARRIDA Software and Cameras for number plate recognition

From parking to Smart City:
CARRIDA excels in these applications

From parking to Smart City:
CARRIDA excels in these applications


ANPR enables parking operators and municipalities to manage parking facilities smartly. They can detect which vehicles enter their parking spaces, can optimize usage and ensure that parking rules are adhered to. Automatic number plate recognition can also simplify parking space booking, access control and payment.

Smart Home

In the smart home sector, garage doors and access gates can be opened automatically when ANPR cameras have detected registered vehicles or license plates. ANPR can also be combined with other smart home technologies such as cameras and motion sensors to provide a comprehensive security solution for smart homes.

Smart City

Real-time traffic control helps to avoid congestion and to improve road safety. For this purpose, ANPR in IoT sensors and traffic management systems provides comprehensive data and statistics, including travel time measurement and traffic route survey. On- and off-street parking management is also part of Smart City.


ANPR enables parking operators and municipalities to manage parking facilities smartly. They can detect which vehicles enter their parking spaces, can optimize usage and ensure that parking rules are adhered to. Automatic number plate recognition can also simplify parking space booking, access control and payment.

Smart Home

In the smart home sector, garage doors and access gates can be opened automatically when ANPR cameras have detected registered vehicles or license plates. ANPR can also be combined with other smart home technologies such as cameras and motion sensors to provide a comprehensive security solution for smart homes.

E-Fahrzeug im Ladevorgang an einer Station mit integrierter ANPR Lösung.

Electromobility & EV Charging

ANPR technology enables efficient management of e-mobility infrastructure. Operators can validate that only authorized vehicles use charging stations, e-car parking spaces or lanes, etc. and optimize their utilization. Automatic license plate recognition eliminates the need for additional authentication.

Authoritative Tasks & Law Enforcement

The automatic capture of license plates in moving traffic helps to find stolen or reported vehicles and to collect movement data. ANPR also supports traffic controls, investigations and evidence management. Intersections can be monitored with ANPR cameras and traffic violations can be recorded.

Surveillance &

ANPR can be used to supervise traffic areas and automate access control, with identification of authorized or unauthorized vehicles. Forensic investigations and movement analysis can be created from traffic recordings. ANPR also enables the implementation of pay-by-plate systems for toll collection, etc.

Smart City

Real-time traffic control helps to avoid congestion and to improve road safety. For this purpose, ANPR in IoT sensors and traffic management systems provides comprehensive data and statistics, including travel time measurement and traffic route survey. On- and off-street parking management is also part of Smart City.
E-Fahrzeug im Ladevorgang an einer Station mit integrierter ANPR Lösung.

Electromobility & EV Charging

ANPR technology enables efficient management of e-mobility infrastructure. Operators can validate that only authorized vehicles use charging stations, e-car parking spaces or lanes, etc. and optimize their utilization. Automatic license plate recognition eliminates the need for additional authentication.
ANPR technology enables efficient management of e-mobility infrastructure. Operators can validate that only authorized vehicles use charging stations, e-car parking spaces or lanes, etc. and optimize their utilization. Automatic license plate recognition eliminates the need for additional authentication.

Authoritative Tasks & Law Enforcement

The automatic capture of license plates in moving traffic helps to find stolen or reported vehicles and to collect movement data. ANPR also supports traffic controls, investigations and evidence management. Intersections can be monitored with ANPR cameras and traffic violations can be recorded.

Surveillance & Security

ANPR can be used to supervise traffic areas and automate access control, with identification of authorized or unauthorized vehicles. Forensic investigations and movement analysis can be created from traffic recordings. ANPR also enables the implementation of pay-by-plate systems for toll collection, etc.

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